«Eine HRV-Messung [mit dem StressCheck] ist wie Fieber messen.» Im Interview gibt unser StressCheck-Spezialist, Hausarzt und Arbeitsmediziner Dr. med. Claude Sidler vom Ärzteteam 51 in Brugg Einblick in Stress-Symptome, die Herzratenvariabilität, den Mehrwert eine...
The CardioFlex sensor is very small and barely noticeable. What is particularly important for everyone is that they can shower with it. Interview on the use of CardioFlex at the Gut Clinic in St. Moritz with Alissa Gmür, medical practice assistant How long has Klinik Gut been using the CardioFlex long-term ECG service and how many kit...
Detect cardiac arrhythmia using longer ECG measurements Atrial fibrillation, the most common heart rhythm disorder in the world, is responsible for one in five strokes. Diagnosis of this arrhythmia and other heart rhythm disorders is crucial to avoid serio...
Detecting heart rhythm disorders with longer ECG measurements - Short interview with cardiologist Dr. med. Kofler Wir haben Dr. med. Thomas Kofler , Facharzt für Kardiologie und Innere Medizin imkardiologische Gesundheitszentrum Adlergarten in Schattdorf nach seiner persönlichen Einschätzung betreffend Langzeit-E...
Detecting heart rhythm disorders with longer ECG measurements - Short interview with Dr. med. Bergamin Wir haben Dr. med. Christian Bergamin ,Facharzt für Kardiologie und Innere Medizin am Centre Cardiovasculaire du Grand-Chêne Lausanne, nach seiner persönlichen Einschätzung gefragt. Er ist verantwortl...
Mittags-Webinar 'evismo StressCheck' In unserem Mittagswebinar vor den Sommerferien zeigen wir Ihnen Schritt-für-Schritt, wie Sie mit dem gleichen CardioFlex-Sensor auch Stressdiagnosen vornehmen können - und zwar so wie Sie es bereits k...
SIHLMED Relies on evismo StressCheck for HRV-Analysis The heart rate variability (HRV) is a central indicator for the heart's health and the autonomous nervous system. It allows far-reaching insights: a higher variability suggests a better recovery and a...
evismo receives Innosuisse certificate and thus confirms 'readiness' for sustainable growth By completing the Innosuisse Core Coaching Programme, we were able to apply for the Innosuisse Certificate. In 2022, only 33 out of 284 start-ups received the prestigious Innosuisse Certificate. These...
evismo CardioFlex in the SRF health magazine Puls In Puls from 22 January 2024, they looked for the promised effects of energy drinks on performance and therefore the heart. To ensure that this could actually be tested and medically analysed, the pro...
Interview with Dr. med. Eva Schibli-Kaspar, DoktorHaus Fislisbach Our aim is to promote the exchange of experiences among our customers through interviews with GPs, cardiologists and medical practice assistants. This enables us to work together to improve the patien...
Interview with MPAs of GMPP In interviews with GPs, cardiologists and medical practice assistants, we want to ensure an exchange of experiences among our customers in order to jointly optimise the patient experience and increase...
evismo forms cooperation with Bayer (Schweiz) AG ein Bayer, the global company with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and agribusiness, is a leader in therapy to prevent complications of cardiac arrhythmia. evismo is therefore v...