Interessiert an CardioFlex für Ihre Praxis?
Wählen Sie sich in eines unserer Online-Webinare ein, erhalten Sie eine kurze Vorstellung zu CardioFlex und stellen Sie direkt Ihre Fragen.
Mittwoch, 18. September 2024, 12:30 - 13:00 Uhr

Intéressé par CardioFlex pour votre cabinet ?
Connectez-vous à l'un de nos webinaires en ligne, recevez une brève présentation de CardioFlex et posez directement vos questions.
Mardi, 17. septembre 2024, 12:30 - 13:00
Your advantages with CardioFlex
The sensor is applied on site. The ECG data is automatically transmitted online. Patients bring the sensors back for the consultation.
Simple reporting
The medical practice receives the cardiology report three days after the end of measurement. For cardiologists, an intuitive dashboard is available for a simple and efficient reporting.
Covered by basic insurance
The required number of CardioFlex kits are available free of charge at the medical practice. The service is covered in basic insurance. Billing is based on Tarmed.
Interested in CardioFlex for your practice?
Join one of our online webinars, get a brief introduction to CardioFlex and ask your questions directly. The German webinar dates are as followed:
Tuesday, 24. April 2024, 12:30 – 13:00
Wearing options
Comfortable ECG with standard electrodes or patch
Configurable for 1-3 leads
Full recording of ECG data available
18 grams, 48 x 29 x 12 mm
CE Class IIa, FDA 510(k)
Analysis software
Supports efficient analysis and automatic arrhythmia detection thanks to built-in algorithms - optimised for cardiology reporting.
The simple analysis for multi-day ECG recordings enables efficient scanning in a short time and accelerates diagnosis.

With CardioFlex, you bring medical care directly into patients' daily lives, cost-effectively and in a focused way. Together, we improve access, prevention, therapy and diagnostics.
How it works
Our long-term ECG service CardioFlex offers the highest diagnostic reliability for cardiac arrhythmias. The process is simple for medical practices as well as for patients. The sensor is applied on site and the ECG data is continuously recorded and automatically uploaded online. This enables daily signal quality checks by evismo, as well as daily ECG data analysis to detect a cardiac arrhythmia at an early stage. The cardiology report is available directly on the evismo digital platform three days after the end of the measurement. Patients bring the sensor back for the consultation.

These customers already rely on CardioFlex
More than 100 primary care physicians and more than 20 cardiologists and
Primary care providers and networks

Stroke centers


Simple overview of CardioFlex long-term ECG service for
General practitioner's office
Diagnose cardiac arrhythmias now directly in
your medical practice.
Data security
evismo transmits and analyzes patient:s medical vital signs data. Wireless transmission of ECG data to our Swiss evismo system is done via the included smartphone using the end-to-end integrated
Bittium Secure Suite
Secure continuous communication of all patient data is thus always guaranteed. No patient data is kept on sensor or smartphone. Patient data is kept and transmitted (pseudonymized) on separate systems in Switzerland. evismo uses the world's most secure mobile communication solution, which is approved up to the "confidential" security level (NCSA-FI).
evismo works with Swiss market leaders for data transmission and storage. Communication is carried out using the Swiss security standard of the Health Info Network (Hin.ch). The data can be deleted at any time upon request. Both the sensors and the analysis systems are approved as medical devices.