evismo forms cooperation with Bayer (Schweiz) AG ein

Bayer, the global company with core competencies in the life science fields of healthcare and agribusiness, is a leader in therapy to prevent complications of cardiac arrhythmia. evismo is therefore very pleased that Bayer (Schweiz) AG supports the awareness and screening of arrhythmias using evismo CardioFlex.

With CardioFlex, evismo's long-term ECG service, cardiac arrhythmias can be diagnosed easily and reliably in the General practitioner's office. The cooperation between the two experts in therapy and diagnostics pursues the common goal of raising awareness among medical professionals about the topic of cardiac arrhythmia and highlighting the opportunities of early screening of patients .

Interview with Bernd Eigenberger, MD
Specialist for Internal Medicine and Cardiology and Deputy Head of Medical Center Medbase Kreuzlingen