evismo CardioFlex

Clarify cardiac arrhythmias at the medical center of general practitioner


The CardioFlex online holter service from evismo offers simple long-term ECG diagnostics for the general practice. A team of Swiss cardiologists analyses the ECG data remotely and makes the findings available digitally.

Until now, obsolete 24-hour Holter devices dominate cardiological diagnostics throughout Switzerland. These are outdated, cumbersome to carry with many cables and can only be worn for a short period of time. This poses many problems: On the one hand, patients have to be convinced to wear this monstrosity. On the other hand, many cardiac arrhythmias are not even detected during these 24 hours because they do not occur.

CardioFlex is comfortable and simplifies patient handling

With the convenient solution CardioFlex, the long-term ECG as a service, evismo provides a remedy. The small, waterproof ECG sensor weighs 18 grams and can be worn as a patch and configured for 1-, 2- and 3- leads. The battery lasts for several days and the recorded data is continuously uploaded via smartphone without the patient's intervention and can be reviewed and analysed remotely.

The CardioFlex kits are provided free of charge to medical practices. This ensures efficient processing in patient care. The sensor is applied directly on site and brought back to discuss the findings. Since the ECG data is available online at all times, the cardiological reporting is performed online and made available digitally to the primary care physician.

Thanks to longer wearing time, cardiac arrhythmias can better be detected

EKG-Messungen verfolgen immer das Ziel Herzrhythmusstörungen zu entdecken oder auszuschliessen. Dabei ist die diagnostische Ausbeute von hoher Bedeutung. Eine längere Tragedauer des EKG-Sensors hilft gemäss Studien Palpitationen, Synkopen wie auch Vorhofflimmern eher zu entdecken oder mit grösserer Sicherheit auszuschliessen.

      CardioFlex ist für viele Indikationen im Einsatz:
      •    intermittent atrial fibrillation
      •    Unclear palpitations
      •    Silent ischemia*
      •    Control of antiarrythmic therapy
      •    Syncope/presyncope/dizziness
      •    Cardiopathies*
      •    Heart failure
      •    Unclear dyspnea/thoracic pain*
      •    Monitoring of heart rhythm after myocardial infarction

      *wobei bei Frage nach ST-Streckenveränderungen idealerweise fünf Elektroden verwendet werden

      CardioFlex has already enabled over 6,000 informative diagnoses

      Das Schweizer eHealth-Startup evismo hat sich seit drei Jahren auf die Diagnose von Herzrhythmusstörungen fokussiert. Mit CardioFlex bietet evismo Schweizer Hausarztpraxen, Kardiologinnen und Kardiologen sowie Schlaganfallzentren die digitale Langzeit-EKG-Diagnostik als Service an. evismo hat mit CardioFlex bereits über 1’000’000 Stunden EKG-Daten von rund 6’000 Patientinnen und Patienten aufgezeichnet und aussagekräftige Diagnosen ermöglicht.

                    The common disease atrial fibrillation explained